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News Projects Cherokee Park

Trails Rebuilt Using Donated Stone

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At almost any time of the day or evening hikers, trail runners, bird watchers, mountain bikers, and others are enjoying the 11.5 miles of trails that crisscross the woodlands of Cherokee and Seneca Parks. What a treasure these trails offer! To keep these trails usable, Olmsted Parks Conservancy relies on volunteers like those with Kentucky Mountain Bike Association (KyMBA).

Over the last year, this dedicated group of individuals has clocked over SEVEN HUNDRED hours of trail work in Cherokee and Seneca Parks. Their biggest project yet has been on the steep slope of Cochran Hill, below the Dog Park. This popular trail had eroded and the deep gully made crossing extremely difficult. With help from Major Waltman, Conservancy Project Director, KyMBA rebuilt three sharp switchback turns as well as a large retaining wall, using stones reclaimed from a recently demolished wall at the Speed Art Museum. In total a 4,000 foot section of trail was rebuilt!

Steve Freeman of KyMBA stated, “KyMBA appreciates the opportunity to partner with Olmsted Parks Conservancy towards a common goal of improving the overall trail experience and realizing the full potential of both Cherokee and Seneca Park.”

Olmsted Parks Conservancy could not have done this work without KyMBA’s dedicated volunteer efforts. Thank you, KyMBA!

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