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MSD’s Urban Reforestation Program Grant

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Olmsted Parks Conservancy received a $40,000 grant from MSD’s Urban Reforestation Program to planting of hundreds of trees and shrubs in several areas of Cherokee and Seneca Parks. The plantings will occur in areas where crews and volunteers cleared invasive bush honeysuckle earlier this year.

The grant will allow the Conservancy to plant close to 1500 native trees and shrubs. Species were selected because of the general conditions of the area, geography and geology of the soil, and historic planting plans. Species include Black Gum, Oak, and Hickory trees. Shrubs include Viburnums and Spicebush.

MSD, in partnership with the Kentucky Department of Environmental Protection and the United States Environmental Protection Agency created an Urban Reforestation Program to issue grants to plant on public and private land.  MSD hopes to plant 14,000 trees in the Louisville area by the year 2024 in order to reduce and eliminate sewer overflow. This is the first grant the Conservancy has received from MSD.

 “Trees are vital to Louisville’s health and welfare,” said Major Waltman, Project Director for Olmsted Parks Conservancy. “Trees are not only beautiful, they’re practical, too. Trees intercept rainwater and soak up large amounts of water in heavy rain events.  Additionally, they reduce air pollution by removing carbon dioxide from the particulate matter in the air, so we all breathe better.”

 Peewee Reese before bush honeysuckle removal

After bush honeysuckle removal


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