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Eagle Scout Projects Benefit Olmsted Parks

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John Francisco

John Francisco is only 17 years old, but has been has been volunteering in the Olmsted Parks for over 5 years; close to one third of his life! So it made sense when it came time to design his Eagle Scout project it would benefit Cherokee Park and be environmentally smart.  John made nets with of recycled materials, including old tennis racket frames, PVC handles, burlap coffee sacks, and old bike tire inner tubes for grips, to clean up to Beargrass Creek.  John created the net design, made a prototype, and did all of the machining. Volunteers from Troop 314 then helped to build 10 nets which they used to remove trash from Beargrass Creek.  John donated the nets to Olmsted Parks Conservancy for future creek clean-up events.  John thanked Heine Brothers’ Coffee for donating burlap bags and St. Matthews Hardware for their design advice.

HN Lamb

HN Lamb is 13 years old and a member of Troop 243. For his Eagle Scout project HN made fifteen bat boxes. The project took 114 volunteer hours, which included planning, recruiting additional volunteers and raising donations to purchase wood. HN supervised volunteers he recruited to help build the boxes according to his specifications and install them high up on trees in Chickasaw Park. HN’s project will help the park by increasing the bat population and decreasing the population of mosquitoes. HN, who will attend St. Xavier High School in the fall, said about his Eagle Scout project, “I chose Olmsted Park System because I enjoy using parks and wanted to give back to them.” 

Thank you John and HN for your commitment to improving the environment in the Olmsted Parks!

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